Field Trips

Schedule a Class Visit

Our mission at the Coolidge National Medal of Honor Heritage Center is to memorialize and educate the next generation of Americans on the history of our nation’s highest military award.

History is brought to life along the MOHHC's gallery timeline through the powerful stories of our Medal of Honor recipients. At the Birthplace of the Medal of Honor, we leverage local history and historians, geography, cultures, and experiences to engage students in learning.



You want history brought to life for your students. We share the BIG STORIES of Medal of Honor and Space Medal of Honor Recipients along our immersive gallery timeline.

Important Information

  • Student Rate $7.95

    One Adult Chaperone Free | Per Each 10 Paying Students

  • Additional Adult/Chaperone Rate $10.95
  • Bus Driver Free

*Final student group count must be provided ONE WEEK in advance of trip

*Refunds Not Available

*Student groups of 80+ have access to a Living Historian

School Group W-9 Form



You want your students engaged in a content-rich learning environment. We bring BIG ENERGY to our field trip experiences because we believe learning should be both reflective and FUN!

Field Trip Options

One-Four Star General Field Trip

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Our One-Four Star General Field Trips are based on the amount of time you can spend with us. The greater amount of time you have, the more activities we can squeeze in during your visit. We aim to enrich the content you are covering in your classroom. Let us know what you’re looking for, and we’ll work to make it happen. We love what we do!

  • Gallery Tour
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Character Values
  • Leadership
  • Change and Continuity Over Time
  • Living Historian *
  • Artifact Investigation
  • My Action Plan


Before Your Visit

In this short and OPTIONAL lesson, students will watch an overview video created by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society and    centered on the origin of the Medal of Honor and what the Medal represents. Students will complete an anticipation guide prior and post viewing to check for understanding. Students, either individually or in pairs, will explore the story of our nation’s very first Medal of Honor Recipient via the short graphic novel Medal of Honor: Jacob Parrott produced by the Association of the United States Army. Students will utilize the accompanying handout to practice identifying the six character values associated with the Medal of Honor (Courage, Commitment, Integrity, Citizenship, Patriotism, and Sacrifice), making claims, and supporting their claims with evidence from text. As a culminating activity, students will identify THREE things they learned about the Medal of Honor, TWO interesting details about Jacob Parrott’s story, and ONE way they can show/apply one of the character values embodied in the Medal of Honor in their own life.

Above and Beyond Field Trip

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Our Above & Beyond Field Trip is a collaborative experience between our Center and UTC’s Challenger STEM Learning Center. As we are one of very few sites across the nation to exhibit a Space Medal of Honor—Dick Scobee’s who was the Commander of the Shuttle Challenger that tragically exploded in 1986—we highlight the Challenger Seven. We cover a lot of ground during this fast-paced experience and love offering students a chance to apply their learning on a space mission at the Challenger Center!

  • Gallery Tour
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Character Values
  • Space Medal of Honor
  • Space Race | Challenger Focus
  • UTC Challenger STEM Learning Center
  • STEM Learning


Before Your Visit

In this short and OPTIONAL lesson, students will be  introduced to the Challenger Seven story. Here at the National Medal of Honor Heritage Center, we proudly display Commander Francis Richard “Dick” Scobee’s Space Medal of Honor and engage students in a series of activities that help them gain a better understanding of who the Challenger Seven  were, their mission, and their fateful outcome. This lesson begins with a viewing of President Ronald Reagan’s address to the nation on the evening of the Challenger incident. Students will complete a related anticipation guide before and after the viewing which also includes a short writing prompt. Students will then consider their own personal interests which will preface a related activity at the Center where students are introduced to each Challenger crew member and their interests. As homework, students will be tasked with interviewing a relative or community member about his/her experience watching or learning about the Challenger tragedy on the day it occurred.

Beyond the Pages Field Trip

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Our Beyond the Pages Field Trip is aimed at both supporting literacy development and making the history of the Medal of Honor, the stories of MOH Recipients, and the six character values (courage, sacrifice, patriotism, commitment, integrity, and citizenship) associated with the Medal more accessible to little ones. Learn about the heroic deeds and noble character of those who have received our nation’s highest award for military valor—the Medal of Honor—along our gallery timeline.

*Recommended for grades PreK-2nd and requires a booking at least two weeks in advance.

  • Literacy Focused
  • Reading Stations Along Our Gallery Timeline
  • Living Historians and Actors
  • Character Values
  • Kinesthetic Learning
  • Courage Crafts
  • Puppet Show



In this OPTIONAL Activity Bundle crafted to accompany the children’s book The Making of a Hero, students will explore the BIG stories of six Medal of Honor Recipients, and, along the way, consider how they, too, can make a BIG impact in their own communities. This standards and skills-based Activity Bundle includes a range of ELA and STEM activities. From story sequencing and exploring the six character values embodied in the Medal of Honor to following the engineering design process, this bundle includes a variety of strategies geared towards engaging K-2nd grade learners. These lessons and activities are based on Tennessee State Standards but can easily be adapted to meet similar standards and skills in other states as well as for varying grade levels. Medal of Honor Recipient stories should be made accessible to all age ranges, and we’re excited to share these resources to support little learners.

September 5th | 9am-11am EDT
*October 25th | 9am-11am EDT (Halloween – Come Dressed as Your Favorite Hero!)
November 7th | 9am-11am EST
December 12th | 9am-11am EST
*March 6th | 9am-11am EST (Read Across America Day)
April 17th | 9am-11am EDT
May 8th | 9am-11am EDT



YOU want to know how your time and money spent on a field trip impacts your students and their learning. WE value your time, pour ourselves into these experiences, and believe your students can make a BIG IMPACT in their spheres of influence just like MOH Recipients did.