Missionary Ridge

The Battle of Missionary Ridge was fought on November 25, 1863, as part of the Chattanooga Campaign of the American Civil War. Following the Union victory in the Battle of Lookout Mountain on November 24, Union forces under the command of Major General Ulysses S. Grant assaulted Missionary Ridge and defeated the Confederate Army of Tennessee, commanded by General Braxton Bragg — forcing the Confederate forces to retreat to Georgia.


Henry V. Boynton

Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: 35th Ohio Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: July 22, 1835, West Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Citation: Led his regiment in the face of a severe fire of the enemy; was severely wounded.
medal of honor

James B. Bell

Rank: Sergeant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company H, 11th Ohio Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: August 9, 1835, Branot, Ohio
Citation: Though severely wounded, he was the first of his regiment on the summit of the ridge, planted his colors inside the enemy’s works, and did not leave the field until after he had been wounded 5 times.

George L. Banks

Rank: Sergeant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company C, 15th Indiana Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: October 13, 1893, Lake County, Ohio
Citation: As color bearer, led his regiment in the assault, and, though wounded, carried the flag forward to the enemy’s works, where he was again wounded. In a brigade of 8 regiments this flag was the first planted on the parapet.
medal of honor

Hiram R. Howard

Rank: Private
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company H, 11th Ohio Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: February 17, 1843, Urbana, Ohio
Citation: Scaled the enemy’s works and in a hand-to-hand fight helped capture the flag of the 18th Alabama Infantry (C.S.A.).

Philip Goettel

Rank: Private
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company B, 149th New York Infantry
Action Place: Ringgold, Georgia
(November 27, 1863)
Born: September 2, 1840, Syracuse, New York
Citation: Capture of flag and battery guidon.
medal of honor

Thomas Graham

Rank: Second Lieutenant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company G, 15th Indiana Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: September 16, 1837
Citation: Seized the colors from the color bearer, who had been wounded, and, exposed to a terrible fire, carried them forward, planting them on the enemy’s breastworks.

George Green

Rank: Corporal
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company H, 11th Ohio Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: July 16, 1840, England
Citation: Scaled the enemy’s works and in a hand-to-hand fight helped capture the flag of the 18th Alabama Infantry (C.S.A.).
medal of honor

Freeman Davis

Rank: Sergeant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company B, 80th Ohio Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: February 28, 1842, Newcomerstown, Ohio
Citation: his soldier, while his regiment was falling back, seeing the 2 color bearers shot down, under a severe fire and at imminent peril recovered both the flags and saved them from capture.

Robert B. Brown

Rank: Private
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company A, 15th Ohio Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: October 2, 1844, New Concord, Ohio
Citation: Upon reaching the ridge through concentrated fire, he approached the color bearer of the 9th Mississippi Infantry (C.S.A.), demanded his surrender with threatening gesture and took him prisoner with his regimental flag.
medal of honor

Charles W. Brouse

Rank: Captain
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company K, 100th Indiana Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: December 30, 1839, Indianapolis, Indiana
Citation: To encourage his men whom he had ordered to lie down while under severe fire, and who were partially protected by slight earthworks, himself refused to lie down, but walked along the top of the works until he fell severely wounded.

Simeon T. Josselyn

Rank: First Lieutenant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company C, 13th Illinois Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: January 14, 1842, Buffalo, New York
Citation: While commanding his company, deployed as skirmishers, came upon a large body of the enemy, taking a number of them prisoner. Lt. Josselyn himself shot their color bearer, seized the colors and brought them back to his regiment.

James C. Walker

Rank: Private
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company K, 31st Ohio Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: November 30, 1843, Harmony, Ohio
Citation: After 2 color bearers had fallen, seized the flag and carried it forward, assisting in the capture of a battery. Shortly thereafter he captured the flag of the 41st Alabama and the color bearer.

John J. Toffey

Rank: First Lieutenant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company G, 33d New Jersey Infantry
Action Place: Chattanooga, Tennessee
(November 23, 1863)
Born: June 1, 1844, Pawling, New York
Citation: Although excused from duty on account of sickness, he went to the front in command of a storming party and with conspicuous gallantry participated in the assault of Missionary Ridge; was here wounded and permanently disabled.
medal of honor

William Schmidt

Rank: Principal Musician
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company G, 37th Ohio Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: July 10, 1846, Tiffin, Ohio
Citation: Rescued a wounded comrade under terrific fire.

Axel H. Reed

Rank: Sergeant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company K, 2d Minnesota Infantry
Action Place: Chickamauga, Georgia, September 19, 1863; At Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: March 13, 1835, Hartford, Maine
Citation: While in arrest at Chickamauga, Ga., left his place in the rear and voluntarily went to the line of battle, secured a rifle, and fought gallantly during the 2-day battle; was released from arrest in recognition of his bravery. At Missionary Ridge commanded his company and gallantly led it, being among the first to enter the enemy’s works; was severely wounded, losing an arm, but declined a discharge and remained in active service to the end of the war.

Arthur MacArthur, Jr.

Rank: First Lieutenant/Adjutant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: 24th Wisconsin Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: Springfield, Massachusetts
Citation: Seized the colors of his regiment at a critical moment and planted them on the captured works on the crest of Missionary Ridge.

John S. Kountz

Rank: Musician
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company G, 37th Ohio Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee,
(November 25, 1863)
Born: March 25, 1846, Richfield, Ohio
Citation: Seized a musket and joined in the charge in which he was severely wounded.

Leverett M. Kelley

Rank: Sergeant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Company A, 36th Illinois Infantry
Action Place: Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
(November 25, 1863)
Born: 1841, Schenectady, New York
Citation: Sprang over the works just captured from the enemy, and calling upon his comrades to follow, rushed forward in the face of a deadly fire and was among the first over the works on the summit, where he compelled the surrender of a Confederate officer and received his sword.