Join us in celebrating the first recipient of the Katie Field Bell Fellowship Award: Amanda Davidson, Social Studies teacher at Tyner Middle Academy.

The first recipient of the Katie Fields Bell Fellow Award is Amanda. Davidson, Social Studies teacher at Tyner Middle Academy. Amanda created a lesson for 4th graders centered on Women in War, specifically those who served in various capacities during the Civil War.

The Lesson, which will soon be available on our website, has students working in groups to explore the contribution of some of the most influential women during the Civil War, and it highlights Dr. Mary Edwards Walker. the sole female Medal of Honor recipient. The lesson encourages students to consider the character values she exhibited and how they, too, can live those out at school and in their communities. This act of bringing students together to work collaboratively and to explore the life of a woman who was recognized for her relentless efforts to better the lives of others is reflective of Mrs. Katie Fields Bell’s own work.

The Katie Fields Bell Fellow Award is not just an award; it is a call to action. It shall serve as a reminder to all who are awarded to live a life relentlessly pursuing ways to better the lives of the students who pass through their classroom each year by teaching them what it means to be committed to a goal, that sometimes sacrifices must be made, the importance of integrity, that they play a significant role as a citizen, what it means to love their country by working to make it better, and how to be courageous in trying moments through life.

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